CO2 Incubator Spare Parts As well as all of our own models of CO2 incubators, we also have a number of spare parts available which are listed below: Image Name / Description Part No. 170L Humidity Tray GSB-6140 14L Humidity Tray GSB-6200 Auto-zero Solenoid Valve 24v (48R & 170R Models) GSB-8760 Auto-zero Solenoid Valve 230v (48S & 170S Models) GSB-8761 Auto-zero Solenoid Valve 120v (48S & 170S Models) GSB-8763 Porous Covers (Pack of 5) GSB-5900 O2 Sensor 1-19% GSB-5790 O2 Sensor 0.1-19% GSB-7270 CO2 Inlet Tubing and Clips (3m) GSB-5760 CO2 Supply Line Filter (x2) GSB-5020 CO2 Autoreference Filter (x5) GSB-2060 CO2 Sensor (all models excluding Gal Std and serial no prior to 2355) GSB-8790 Chamber Sensor (All Models excluding Gal Std) GSB-6640 Autozero Pump FOR 48R & 170R GSB-6030 If you would like to order or make an enquiry about any of our products then please contact us: